With the release of “The Gate in the Fence” by Bob Menzies only days away now, interest is growing in Bob’s hometown of Waihi Beach, New Zealand. The local business community is having their Xmas dinner on December the 16th and Bob has been invited along to speak about the book and give away a signed copy to one lucky attendee.

A magazine featuring local artists and creative people in and around Waihi Beach due out before Xmas is also featuring Bob and his new book. The population in the local area swells over the summer break from about four thousand people to overforty thousand over this period, so it is a great time to be talking and reading about this new release.

Media outlet NZME who operate radio stations and newspapers across New Zealand will talk about the release of Bob’s book on their radio stations and be giving away signed copies of the book over the busy Xmas period when everyone likes to relax with a good thriller.

“The Gate in the Fence” is an adult thriller with plenty of action from the very first chapter. Take a deep breath after that one because there are a lot more twists and turns to come. Without giving too much away, the scene is a local suburban neighborhood which could be in many towns or cities around the world. Living in one house is David, an ex army war vet, struggling to integrate back into society after several tours of duty. Through the gate in the fence between their properties live Katie and Michael. They have only recently moved in from out-of-town after Michaelreceived a promotion. None of them would have imagined how their lives would have become entangled so dramatically in such a short time.

Available in hard copy, paperback audio and ebook, it is being released on November 30th.

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