We are very sorry to have to advise that Bob has been struck down by a very serious health issue. On Saturday, 6th January 2022, in the early hours of the morning, Bob suffered a stroke. We rushed him to hospital by ambulance where he remains at the time of writing. He has some impairment down his right side, but he is a fighter and is making good progress in his recovery already, and we are all confident he will make a strong recovery.

This is not the first major health scare he has had, as many of you will know. He has battled and beaten cancer and major depression in the past, which is why we are so confident he will come through this just as strongly. We need him to as he is only part way into the follow-up to “The Gate in The Fence”. The as yet unnamed book will hopefully enlighten us on Katie’s life post her terrifying ordeal at the hands of her next-door neighbour.

Ironically, Bob posted an introductory video to “The Gate in the Fence” the day before his stroke, which you will be able to view on this site. We will post updates on Bob’s mission back to full health and more writing as he progresses.

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